「信じられない…タイムマシンが故障して、こんな 恐竜だらけの世界に迷い込んでしまうなんて…」
"Unbelievable... I'm lost in this world full of #dinosaurs because the time machine malfunctioned...."

"Wow, the cherry blossoms are so beautiful! They're perfect for the entrance ceremony."

「卒業、そんなの あっかんべー」
"Graduation? Pfft, whatever!"

「あっかんべー」 "Just kidding!"

乱戦 melee

"Do you want to study in the library after school? The test is coming up."

"Ruff ruff! Am I doing this right?"

"Looking forward to another great year with you"

"Such peaceful moments are the best."

"How about playing basketball?"

寒い・・・ Cold...

スケバン刑事 Sukeban Deka

「対決」セーラー服の女子高生 vs. 侍
Showdown" Sailor School Girls vs. Samurai

無限の鏡 Infinite Mirror

勉強中 while studying

田舎の学校にて At a rural school

映画のポスター風 Movie poster style

happy Halloween !

"I wonder if this new menu item is good?"

"Do you want to have lunch together today?"

泥まみれ mud-caked

"Why do I always wait until the last minute?"

"This river is so beautiful, isn't it? Nature is the best!"

Sailor Suit and Machine Gun
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