
Collaboration with AI Gravure Model!? Behind-the-Scenes of the Gym Uniform & Bloomers Balloon Hug-Pop Challenge

 AIグラビアとのコラボ!? 体操服×ブルマで風船を抱きしめ割りチャレンジの舞台裏

Virtual Fantasy (VF) & Real Fantasy (RF) TOP】【VF TOP】【RF TOP

Hello, it's NATSUKI!

I recently uploaded a new challenge. It involves wearing a gym uniform and bloomers, then testing the strength of a balloon by giving it a tight hug. Following the success of my previous "Butt Power" challenge, this new attempt promises even more surprises!

The highlight of this video, however, kicks off even before the main content starts. I've incorporated an AI Gravure model to talk on my behalf, given that I'm not showing my face in the video. Watching the AI model articulate and communicate with the audience is a fascinating blend of technological advancement and creative vision. I wanted to introduce this unique entertainment experience to my viewers.

If you're intrigued, please check out the video. And don’t forget to share your thoughts or ideas for future challenges in the comments!

You won't want to miss out on this innovative use of AI or the exciting results of the balloon challenge! 







Virtual Fantasy (VF) & Real Fantasy (RF) TOP】【VF TOP】【RF TOP

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